For Matin Luther King Day in 2020, I joined a photowalk led by Alvin C. Jacobs, with staff from the Levin Museum of the New South and the Harvey B. Gantt Center.

For someone like me who is a newcomer to the city, it was quite moving to see people connect with the often-forgotten aspects of the communities' past.

Performances were held at the Levin Museum to commemorate the holiday.

Alvin's work documenting the Brookhills neighborhood was on display at the Gantt museum. He has all the hallmarks of a great documentary photographer - empathy, deep understanding of the subject matter, and the ability to gain trust in the community. Someone whom I can learn a great deal from.

The historic Grace African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church on South Brevard and 3rd streets.

A streak of rainbow refracted by the glass door to a gallery at the Gantt Center.

Though something we all thought we knew, seeing it physically in this scale still has a jolting effect. "Redlining", as emerged from the evil of mundane bureaucracy was chilling in its indifference and lasting in its impact. Its effects can still be felt today.